Where to Find Credible Nutrition Information

Let’s be honest, Google has become the answer to pretty much every question we have. It’s so easy to search for any information you might be seeking, but unfortunately its pretty easy to find less than reliable answers to those questions.

Nutrition is a constantly changing science that can be presented in so many different ways that it can be difficult for even experts to decipher what’s true and what isn’t. That’s why I wanted to share a few great resources for all of your nutrition questions. Don’t trust the first site you see if you’re looking for information about your health and nutrition. I know it’s annoying, but you have to do your research and get a few different opinions to find a credible answer.

Here are a few links that I find pretty much always have good, research-based information:

Eatright.org – This is the website for The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Us dietitians take our research-based information seriously, so you can always expect to find good information on here. I personally love reading Position Papers when I have a big question, which basically tells you the official position of The Academy on that topic based on tons of research.

Nutrition.gov– A USDA website that can answer all of your questions from Supplement information, to food safety, to what you should be feeding your infant. Most .gov, .org, or .edu sites are going to be a reliable source of information versus the .coms.

Choosemyplate.gov– This is another great government, sponsored site that has a bunch of great information. They have some good handouts and worksheets for practitioners as well.

Heart.org – The American Heart Association’s website is a great source of information about heart healthy eating. You can learn about different heart conditions, as well as healthy living tips from diet to exercise.

Mayoclinic.org – The Mayo Clinic is a wealth of information for all things health. Not only can you learn about different disease states and health conditions, but you can get tons of information about healthy living as well.

I hope that you can find some great information on these sites. Remember to check the credibly of your information before you take it as fact. You know what the say, not everything you read on the Internet is true!

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