Aaaannnddd We’re Back!

Incase this new blog post doesn’t make it obvious; I’m back to blogging! I took quite a long break from blogging, since I started my Youtube channel and have been really enjoying that. Through doing Youtube for about a year and a half now, I’ve realized that some things are just better in written form, so I wanted to bring back a space for me to do that.

If you don’t know me, my name is Melissa and I’m a Registered Dietitian who is all about balance. Here on my blog, as well as my Youtube channel, we talk about all things food and nutrition. You can find recipes, product reviews, nutrition tips and tricks, and the science behind many different fad diets. In addition, I love talking about travelling, beauty, exercise, sustainability, and tons of other things!

Originally, I was going to change the name of my blog to encompass all of those things. Afterall, I started Made to Order as a place to recreate restaurant meals. However, after giving it a lot of thought, I think Made to Order still encompasses what I want to do on this blog. When I think “Made to Order” I think personalized, easily changed, something you can create yourself. And to me, that is what I am all about. Your nutrition and lifestyle is totally personal to you, I want to give you the tools to make small changes, and the information to decide for yourself how you want to live your life!

So here we are, welcome back to Made to Order! Expect a new blog post every week, as well as a new Youtube video. I can’t wait to continue sharing news, information, and tips with you.